In order to formulate sincere, engaging, and well-thought-out seasonal marketing campaigns, it’s essential to live in the now. To take in what’s going on around you. To examine what’s coming in the short few weeks ahead, rather than months down the line. And while it’s tempting to sprint ahead of competitors, to not get too ahead of ourselves.
Of course, forecasts are crucial for business survival, but when it comes to customer communications, dedicating sufficient time and energy to an upcoming seasonal event will read better than advertising, say, Halloween and Christmas offers in the same breath. It helps indicate dedication to customer experience and enjoyment, rather than simply pushing sales. The opposite approach can be overwhelming for both buyer and seller.
It’s good to glance towards the future, but not get overly fixated. Valentine’s Day 2022 is less than a week away. Cast your sights on that momentous opportunity for voucher sales and room bookings. Advertise on your website with pop-ups and across the web with PPC campaigns in advance but also a few days after the celebration. Slow your roll. There will still be shoppers looking for last minute gifts on the 16th of February. Especially if they want to avoid the hustle and bustle of the day itself. Let the offerings linger a little before jumping onto St. Patrick’s Day immediately.
Once all traces of one holiday are removed, move onto the next. There’s always something to look forward to. And in the weeks in between, push for impromptu getaways, because living day to day life is enough reason to celebrate!
Keep an eye on the future but don’t jump the gun. Like everything in life and in business, it’s all about balance.