Many of us spend our days consuming content. As a result, we know not all email marketing campaigns are created equal. Although e-newsletters are amongst the easiest marketing communication tools to create, that doesn’t mean they’re the easiest to get right.
In a world of endless information (as well as constant distractions!), it can be difficult to stand out and make an impression. Especially when it comes to capturing the attention of your target audience.
At In1 Solutions, we have tried and tested countless strategies for building an effective email campaign. We’ve found a formula that works for us and we’re eager to share it with our gift card clients. Check out our tips on how to maximise ezine engagement and draw in potential customers.
Create a simple gifting guide.
Treat your newsletter like a shop window. Showcase your best-selling offerings or use the opportunity to promote a new package. Think afternoon tea or an exclusive tasting menu to entice the gourmands. Meanwhile, vouchers for 18-hole golf or outdoor activities will appeal to the adventurers! Do you offer spa packages showcasing luxury treatments? Present them as the perfect gift for those who deserve to be pampered. Simply put, take the guesswork out of gifting.
Drive engagement with offers and countdowns.
Harness the power of your database through marketing emails! Father’s Day is just around the corner, so why not offer 10% off select vouchers within a limited timeframe? Reward customer loyalty with promotions such as: “Spend over €500 on vouchers this festive season and receive afternoon tea for two”. Promoting a discount with a sense of urgency has been proven to spike engagement and help your property stand out. The lucky voucher recipients will be encouraged to sign up to your newsletter, too. Fear of missing out is a powerful driver!
Keep text short and precise.
Include your property name and an eye-catching opening in the subject line, while keeping the body of your e-newsletter minimal. Text should be tailored to your target market while remaining concise. You don’t want to lose anyone’s attention as they wade through sprawling paragraphs. Offers and benefits should be clear at first glance and broken up by bullet points. Don’t forget to include a call to action and high-quality imagery! Combine these elements and you’ll have an easy-to-digest and visually appealing product.
Aim for consistency.
Maintain a consistent sending schedule to keep your audience engaged. Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, consistency helps build trust and keeps your brand top of mind. We want to keep our target market informed, but not overwhelmed to the point where they hit unsubscribe. Quality over quantity is the goal.
Test, test and test again!
Make sure punctuation and grammar are correct. Links to offers, landing pages, and discounts need to be fully functional. No 404s or links leading nowhere. Images should be high res without impacting load time. Always preview and test your ezines before you schedule for send to your database.
Keep track and implement your findings.
Once you implement these strategies, be sure and track key metrics such as open rates, click-thru rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. This will empower you to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns. You can then this data to refine your strategies and improve future campaigns.
If you’re already a client and would like to explore further avenues to success, why not book a free, one-on-one consultation with a member of our Sales Team? Simply email and we’ll get back to you within one business day.
If you’re not already a customer, but are interested in switching to our world-leading gifting platform, feel free to contact us. We’d be delighted to arrange a demo and talk you through even more of our phenomenal features.
Then, of course, there’s always our Media page, filled with explainer videos exploring the ins and outs of each of our digital solutions and services. Check it out!